Tips To Upgrade Your Dental Hygiene in 2022
You might have had heard a myriad times that maintaining your oral hygiene is very important to keep your overall health in great shape. Growing up, your parents, guardians, and your general dentist in Gardner might have told you numerous times to brush twice a day and floss daily. While this is a good dental base, only brushing and flossing are not enough to improve your dental hygiene. Since the holiday season is here, it is even more important to care for your teeth while relishing all the good holiday food. In this blog, we will share with you a few ways to upgrade your oral hygiene so that you could maintain a happy and healthy smile in the New Year. 1. Upgrade to an electric toothbrush We would suggest that in this New Year you shall upgrade to an electric toothbrush as they are more effective than the conventional ones. With an electric brush, you won’t have to brush in a circular motion, you will have to just guide the brush through the quadrants of your mouth while the vibr...