Debunking 5 Common Myths Surrounding Oral Health
With time, opinions on the importance of oral health increase, and so do myths. Trust us, the myth balloons of oral health are here to stay for long in the skies, and as someone who is aware, we took it upon ourselves to burst some myth balloons related to oral health. So, take a pin in your hand, and let’s begin. Dental Cleaning May Harm the Enamel General dentistry services in Gardner MA , like scaling or dental cleaning, are non-invasive oral procedures that do not demand anesthesia and are undertaken using an ultrasonic scaler. The blunt tips of the scaler lead to vibrations along with the oral irrigator, which pushes many patients to think that the top layer of their teeth might suffer from damage. However, the sole purpose of scaling is to treat tartar or plaque in patients suffering from periodontal disease and, in any way, does not harm any oral tissue or enamel. Extracting Wisdom Teeth Can Damage Your Brain Gibberish. Wisdom teeth are the last molars that erupt general...