
The Link Between Screen Times and Dental Health for Kids: Understanding the Risks

It is a fact that screens have become an integral part of our lives. However, contrary to the good old days, screens have also become a significant part of our children’s lives. Whether for education, games, or entertainment, technology offers constant learning and infotainment. However, it is crucial to know that despite the numerous benefits of screen time, it has potential downsides, particularly regarding your child’s dental health. Therefore, if you are searching for a pediatric dentistry in Gardner MA , to keep track of your child’s oral health, keep reading to understand the link between dental health and screen time. Sugary Drinks and Mindless Snacking Screen time is captivating. Especially when a child is engrossed in binge-watching their favorite show, it can be challenging to keep an eye on the time, and they might not realize how much they are snacking. This results in the mindless munching of sugary drinks and other unhealthy snacks. When combined with reduced saliva flow,

Dental Crown: 5 Situations when they are Necessary

A dental crown refers to the cap placed on top of your natural tooth to restore the oral condition. Dentists generally recommend this tooth-shaped cap to restore broken, decayed, or weak tooth/teeth. The dental crowns in Gardner MA , are custom-made to suit and fit your natural teeth using either metal, porcelain, or resin as the base material. This restorative treatment is used in a variety of situations, including cosmetic purposes, and this blog aims to highlight some situations. Replace Damaged or Worn-out Filling A dental crown is suggested if the existing filling is either falling, damaged, or is larger than the ⅔ width of the tooth. In such situations, a dental crown will provide excellent protection, preventing the tooth from breaking/cracking or other complications. Restore a Decayed Tooth One of the common reasons for using a dental crown is to restore the oral condition of a tooth that has been badly decayed. Generally, a filling is recommended in case of smaller cavitie

How Ultrasonic Scaling Benefits Patients?

The advancing technology has made a significant transformation in the sphere of dentistry. One such invention that gives dental patients various additional benefits in addition to an effective and comfortable tooth care technique is the ultrasonic scaler. Expertly used by a general dentist in Gardner , this technique serves as a cornerstone for raising the bar for oral care. Let's first study more about ultrasonic scaling before moving on to examine its benefits. What is Ultrasonic Scaling? Ultrasonic scaling is a modern technique to eradicate harmful bacteria, plaque, tartar, and other deposits from the teeth's surface. The dentist uses A small hand-held tool that emits high-frequency vibrations and a water spray that breaks down and flushes away the accumulated dental calculus. Ultrasonic scaling offers a less invasive and more precise approach, unlike traditional scaling methods. Ultrasonic scaling decreases discomfort, enhances cleaning efficiency, and provides a comforti

4 Poor Habits to Avoid For Proper Denture Care

If you are someone who just had their treatment for dentures in Gardner MA , it might take some time to adjust to the new smile. Dentures are one of the best tooth restorative options, as they are removable and custom-made replacements for teeth. However, dentures are so comfortable that people may stop being considerate after a while about taking proper care of them. As a result, dentures can foster bacteria, damage denture teeth, or cause them to dry out. So to make you aware in prior, here’s a list of poor denture care habits to avoid. Let’s learn more about it. Leaving the Dentures in Overnight Removing the dentures before going to bed is crucial, as it helps prevent many dental problems, including the buildup of bacteria and other infections. So, remove your dentures at bedtime and soak them in an approved denture cleaner or water solution to keep them moist and protect them from drying out. Removing dentures at night allows the gum tissues to rest. Not Wearing the Dentures Often

Tips to Follow After a Dental Bridge Procedure

Dental bridges work as a boon for people with missing teeth for various reasons, such as accidents, periodontal disease, or tooth decay. If you are considering dental bridge as a remedial option or have recently undergone a dental bridge procedure in Gardner MA , then it's mandatory to know its aftercare tips. The aftercare of dental bridge procedures requires utmost attention to your oral hygiene for uninterrupted recovery. So, here are a few post-operative tips for a successful recovery. Maintain Oral Hygiene   After undergoing a dental bridge procedure, the teeth are prone to being more sensitive until the recovery span. So, paying heed to your regular oral hygiene is necessary to avoid gum disease that would hinder recovery. Ensure to brush twice daily and use antibacterial mouthwash to keep the gums and teeth healthy.   Watch Your Food Intake   Porcelain or ceramic dental bridges are sturdy and don't demand a strict diet to recover. However, with extreme pr

The Importance of Having a Family Dentist

There are two types of people in the world - one that has a family dentist and others who visit a new dentist every time to accommodate their family's dental needs. If you belong to the latter group, it's high time you shift to a family dentist. You may ask, why choose a family dentist? A general dentist is usually restricted to a specific age group, whereas a family dentist has the knowledge to accommodate every family member of any age. They are the perfect way to make your life easier without compromising the quality of care. It will reduce the hassle of searching for a new dentist every time someone from your family faces an oral issue. You can get in touch with dental clinics like Gardner Smiles for an experienced and skilled family dentist in Massachusetts . Here is a brief on why a family dentist is important for the quality oral care of your family. Familiarity The key to the success of any treatment is trust in your doctor. This trust comes with time as you ge

Debunking 5 Common Myths Surrounding Oral Health

With time, opinions on the importance of oral health increase, and so do myths. Trust us, the myth balloons of oral health are here to stay for long in the skies, and as someone who is aware, we took it upon ourselves to burst some myth balloons related to oral health. So, take a pin in your hand, and let’s begin. Dental Cleaning May Harm the Enamel General dentistry services in Gardner MA , like scaling or dental cleaning, are non-invasive oral procedures that do not demand anesthesia and are undertaken using an ultrasonic scaler. The blunt tips of the scaler lead to vibrations along with the oral irrigator, which pushes many patients to think that the top layer of their teeth might suffer from damage. However, the sole purpose of scaling is to treat tartar or plaque in patients suffering from periodontal disease and, in any way, does not harm any oral tissue or enamel. Extracting Wisdom Teeth Can Damage Your Brain Gibberish. Wisdom teeth are the last molars that erupt general