Dental Crown: 5 Situations when they are Necessary

A dental crown refers to the cap placed on top of your natural tooth to restore the oral condition. Dentists generally recommend this tooth-shaped cap to restore broken, decayed, or weak tooth/teeth. The dental crowns in Gardner MA, are custom-made to suit and fit your natural teeth using either metal, porcelain, or resin as the base material.

Restorative Dentistry
This restorative treatment is used in a variety of situations, including cosmetic purposes, and this blog aims to highlight some situations.

Replace Damaged or Worn-out Filling

A dental crown is suggested if the existing filling is either falling, damaged, or is larger than the ⅔ width of the tooth. In such situations, a dental crown will provide excellent protection, preventing the tooth from breaking/cracking or other complications.

Restore a Decayed Tooth

One of the common reasons for using a dental crown is to restore the oral condition of a tooth that has been badly decayed. Generally, a filling is recommended in case of smaller cavities, but for larger cavities and severe decays, a crown is an ideal option. This is because a dental crown, unlike a filling, will protect the structure from breaking.

When performing a treatment of restorative dentistry in Gardner MA, in this scenario, the oral care specialist will remove the decayed/affected enamel, trim the tooth, and place a crown that resembles your natural tooth to protect the original oral structures from further damage.

Safeguard Tooth after the Root Canal Procedure

The procedure of root canals is often recommended to restore infected teeth. The treatment involves extracting the decayed or damaged material by making an incision in the tooth. After the extraction, the dentists fill and cover it using a crown or a filling.

Using a dental crown is ideal for rear teeth since teeth at the back are highly exposed to pressure and force.

Repair a Chipped, Broken, or Cracked Tooth

A dental crown is one of the best options to treat chipped, broken, or cracked teeth, irrespective of the root cause. The dental crown will strengthen and cover the entire tooth, allowing the patient to speak, smile, and eat normally without any insecurities.

Cosmetic Purposes

Crowns are also often used for cosmetic purposes. It is generally done when an extremely strained tooth cannot be treated using dental bonding or veneers. Thus, covering the affected tooth using a dental crown can help cover the tooth aesthetically, ensuring that the functioning and looks are not compromised.


Whether you need a dental crown for cosmetic purposes or to treat a condition, visit oral specialists at Gardner Smiles. Oral care experts will ensure that your teeth are well covered in a quality and natural-looking dental crown.


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