Helpful Tips For Tooth Extraction Aftercare

Our natural teeth are intended to last a lifetime, but there are many unfortunate situations when you would need to get them extracted. If you have undergone tooth extraction recently, then you are at the right place. In this blog, we are going to tell you about the dos and don’ts of tooth extraction aftercare. Timely recovery post extraction is very important to help you heal and alleviate the pain and discomfort.

Here are some aftercare tips you need to follow to ensure timely and safe recovery post tooth extraction.

Do not eat or drink immediately after extraction

Dentist in Gardner advises against eating or drinking right after extraction. It takes time for the blood to clot around the extraction site. Hence, you should refrain from eating right after the extraction surgery. After one hour of extraction, you could consume some ice cream or cold milk. You can start with soft diets for the first few hours post extraction. 

If it bleeds, use a cotton gauge

Your dentist will advise keeping a gauze pad for at least an hour after the extraction is completed. In case if the bleeding is heavy, you should bite on the gauze pad with just a little pressure to stop bleeding.

Use ice packs

Due to insensitivity from sedation, you might not feel pain right after the extraction. However, you may notice some swelling around the extraction site. In such cases, you shall massage gently with an icepack on the outside of the mouth for 15 minutes to alleviate pain and swelling.

Brush gently

Most people may not consider brushing for a few days after they have undergone tooth extraction. But general dentist in Gardner strongly recommends brushing on time to prevent accumulation of food particles and growth of harmful bacteria in the mouth. Of course, avoid brushing on and around the extraction site.

Normally, blood clots on the extraction site within hours post the extraction surgery. So, brush gently so that it does not dislodge the clot and cause further complications. 

Avoid smoking

Smoking following a tooth extraction surgery could invite many complications. It can weaken the clot and can also form dry sockets around the extraction site. 

Avoid taking Aspirin after tooth extraction

If you are feeling chronic pain and swelling, you shall get in touch with your general dentist in Gardner, MA immediately. Avoid taking Aspirin or any other pain killers without consulting your dentist as some of them can delay clot formation and hence cause further complications.

We hope the tips mentioned above could help you with safe recovery. If you have further concerns regarding the tooth extraction procedure, feel free to contact our team.


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